Frequently Asked Questions
What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a system of natural healing that involves the use of affordable medicines made from mineral, plant and animal substances that are highly diluted using a special manufacturing process. For this reason, homeopathic remedies are generally safer than conventional drugs. Homeopathic remedies stimulate your body’s own self-healing mechanism.
Why homeopathy?
Safe and effective: No drug residue and no risk of addiction. Homeopathic remedies are classified as drugs in the US and are made from mineral, plant and animal substances that are highly diluted using a special manufacturing process.
Holistic: You are viewed as a whole person including body and mind, and not a collection of body parts.
Cost-effective: Rather than expensive life-long treatment, the ultimate aim of homeopathic care is to reach your highest level of health as quickly as possible with minimal dependence upon any medications or supplements, including homeopathic remedies.
Family-based: Ideal for all members of the family including babies, pregnant women and seniors. Homeopathic remedies are easy to give to children!
Individualized: Homeopathic remedies are chosen from among thousands to fit you as a unique individual.
Natural: All homeopathic remedies come from natural sources (mineral, plant and animal) and are prescribed based on evidence accumulated from systematic observation of the effects on healthy and sick people. (No animals are harmed).
Integrative: Works alongside conventional medical care and complements other alternative forms of health care as well.
Green medicine: No chemical byproducts are produced that might pollute sewage or water systems ("personal green"). The manufacturing process of homeopathic remedies produces no environmental toxins or excess waste ("global green").
Non-suppressive and non-invasive: Homeopathic remedies work by acting on the body’s own self-healing mechanisms and do not disrupt the delicate balance of complex dynamic biological systems.
Preventive: By strengthening the body’s own self-healing mechanisms, homeopathy can help prevent chronic diseases before they begin.
Is homeopathy supported by science?
While homeopathy has been practiced for more than 200 years, systematic research evidence supporting it has grown substantially in the last 10 years. There are now thousands of studies supporting homeopathy, which fall into two main categories. The first is basic science research, which investigates the physico-chemical properties of homeopathic remedies and their possible mechanism of action on living organisms. The evidence that has so far accumulated strongly suggests homeopathic remedies contain nanostructures that can initiate adaptive changes in cells and organisms. The second is clinical research, including randomized controlled trials (RCTs), other studies using variations of this methodology, and outcome studies. For more information on the extensive research basis for homeopathy, check out the Homeopathy Research Institute.
Is Anna Vakil a medical doctor?
Anna Vakil PhD LHP is not a physician, nor should homeopathic care be seen as replacing advice provided by a licensed medical provider or primary care physician. She is a homeopathic practitioner, having received three years of intensive training in health sciences and homeopathy, which is a type of integrative health care. She is a homeopathic practitioner licensed in the state of Arizona and has extensive graduate education in research methodology from a top US university as well as many years of research experience, which she draws on in order to better serve her clients.
Does homeopathic care involve a physical exam?
No, Anna Vakil PhD LHP is a homeopathic practitioner, not a licensed medical provider, so no physical exams or invasive medical procedures are conducted. Since homeopathy is a type of integrative (or complementary) health care, it is preferred that clients be under the care of a licensed medical provider before beginning homeopathic care. Homeopathic remedy prescriptions for chronic issues are based on an extensive initial consultation and follow-up consultations, along with supplementary information provided where relevant such as medical reports and test results.
I can buy homeopathic remedies in the drug store. Why should I see a homeopath?
Only a very small proportion of homeopathic medicines are available in stores. Each remedy can be used for a wide range of conditions, so while it is possible for people with little or no training to use them for uncomplicated acute illnesses, choosing the appropriate remedy and potency can be challenging without the help of a professional. For chronic conditions, a certified homeopathic practitioner should always be consulted. Call (928) 247-6385 for a 15-minute complimentary consultation or schedule one on this website.
Can only minor conditions (like colds and flu) be resolved with homeopathy?
Minor conditions can be effectively resolved with homeopathy, however, homeopathy is equally effective with more serious illnesses such as: high blood pressure, insomnia, asthma, allergies, anxiety, depression, menstrual problems, headaches, acne, eczema, arthritis, back and neck pain, cough, childhood illnesses, digestive problems, memory problems, and many more.
How long can I expect to be under homeopathic care?
For chronic conditions, this varies greatly and depends on several factors: your health goals, the number and severity of your conditions, how long you have had them, and other factors that might affect progress such as habits, lifestyle and prescription medications. However, the ultimate goal of homeopathic care is a state of health with little or no dependence on any medicines, including homeopathic remedies.
How much does homeopathic care cost?
For chronic conditions, the initial appointment is the biggest investment in homeopathic care. During this Comprehensive Consultation, which lasts up to 1-1/2 hours, we will review your health concerns, your medical history and jointly set your health goals. A more affordable Therapeutic Focus Consult lasting one hour may also be available to you. Follow-up visits are important since they allow us to monitor your progress and make any necessary changes. These are shorter (up to an hour) and occur at regular intervals until your health goals have been reached. Fees include most remedies, individualized analysis and research, evidence-based coaching and call-in support. Acute Care consultations lasting up to 1/2-hour are also offered for acute conditions and recovery from injuries, trauma or surgery and the fee includes the remedy as well as 2 brief phone follow-ups. Call (928) 247-6385 for a 15-minute complimentary consultation or schedule one online through this website. It is worthwhile to invest in your health now!
Are homeopathic medicines expensive?
At Yuma Homeopathy, the cost of most remedies is built into homeopathic consultation fees.
Does your office accept insurance?
Insurance does not pay directly for our services, but some health insurance plans will reimburse you for the costs. Invoice statements from our office contain codes that can be submitted to insurance companies for reimbursement. Please see guidelines for Insurance reimbursement. Some Health Savings Accounts and Flexible Savings Accounts also include homeopathic consultations as covered services, but you would need to check with the account provider.
Are homeopathic remedies natural?
Yes, they are made from mineral, plant and animal substances (without harming animals). These substances are diluted and prepared using a unique manufacturing process.
Are homeopathic remedies safe?
Yes, homeopathic remedies have been used for more than 200 years, are extremely popular in Europe and there are over 150,000 homeopathic practitioners in India alone. There is no drug residue and no risk of addiction, even with long-term use. Homeopathic remedies are classified as drugs in the US and are made from natural substances that are diluted and prepared using a special manufacturing process, which makes them generally safer than conventional drugs.
Are homeopathic remedies herbal medicine?
Some homeopathic remedies are made from plant substances, but others are made from mineral and animal substances (without harming animals). Herbal medicines are considered dietary supplements and are often made from leaves, shoots or roots that are ground and placed in a capsule or can be made into tea. Homeopathic remedies, on the other hand, are classified as drugs, and are diluted and prepared using a unique manufacturing process.
Is homeopathy the same as naturopathic medicine?
No, homeopathy is frequently confused with naturopathy, perhaps because they both end in "-pathy". Naturopaths are licensed primary care providers in some states and provide other natural therapies such as botanical and nutritional support.
Is homeopathy a type of holistic alternative medicine?
Yes, homeopathy is a type of integrative medicine, also called complementary or alternative medicine, that employs a holistic approach to health.
Do I have to give up my prescription medications before starting homeopathic care?
No, however, many people seek homeopathic care because they would like to reduce their prescription medications. This is a process that must be overseen by your licensed medical provider, with whom we are happy to collaborate. Homeopathic medicines do not interfere with prescription drugs and can be used alongside them.
Should I tell my doctor that I am under homeopathic care?
Yes, although not all physicians are aware of or knowledgeable about homeopathy or other integrative health care modalities.
I live in the Yuma area but may not always be able to travel to your office. Can I meet with you via audio-video conferencing or phone?
Yes. For local clients, we prefer that the initial consultation is in-person, but after this video-conferencing software or phone can be used.
I don’t live near Yuma, Arizona. Can I still make an appointment?
Yes, please visit to find out about my completely online practice.